The best value-for-money secure parking for bicycles and e-bikes? This is „Kolárna“ – modular lockable shelters for bicycles and electric bikes: the CYKLOSAFE COMPACT and CYKLOSAFE LITE models with charging stations from the Slovak company Ecoprogress.
Variants of the e-bike sheds
Lite version
The galvanised steel structure in the colour of your choice, with a floor plan of 4.98 x 4.98 m, can be expanded in a modular way. The shelter can accommodate a minimum of 30 bicycles with the possibility of a bike service rack and a charging station for electric bikes.

COMPACT version
The basic version consists of two modules measuring 6.24 x 2.24 m, with one module measuring 3.12 x 2.24 m. Secure parking for 24 bicycles and each additional module expands the capacity by a further 12 parking spaces.

Atyp version
The sheds in the Atyp format offer customization to meet the needs of clients and solve even large projects – parking up to 80 bicycles/electric bikes at a time. They are designed not only for municipalities but also for corporate bike parking in a perfect design.

Advantages of the Cyklosafe
Both systems are already equipped with a Powerbox 6P charging station for charging up to 8 e-bikes in the offer price, including a CableBox with the most common types of charging cables.
The entrance to the Bike shed is secured by a gate with an electric doorman. Users must first authorize themselves upon entering the building – whether with a magnetic key, PIN, ID card or mobile app. The inside of the shelter is illuminated and the system is connected to the local security CCTV system.
In the Roundhouse, we primarily use double-decker hydraulic bike racks, which allow for optimal use of the room size. The same racks can be found in most bike parking facilities in Germany and the Netherlands.
The island electrified shelter with a photovoltaic power plant allows completely autonomous operation without the need to connect it to the low-voltage distribution system. 2 photovoltaic panels with a power of 700 Wp on a rotating bracket (the panels face south with an inclination of 35°-60°) and interconnected by an internal switchboard.

Comparison with competitors
The final price for one parking space for an e-bike or bicycle in the LITE-type wheelhouse, including construction, foundations, racks, solar system, integration of the access system and charging station is approximately 1.625 € excluding VAT.
Competitive solution Cyklobox: price 2.600 € without VAT for one bicycle and without the possibility of charging and other advantages of the Cyklosafe.
Competing solution CycloTower – BikeTower (capacity 105 bikes, implementation price approx. 800.000 € + annual operating and energy costs): total 7.700 € without VAT for one parking space, but without the possibility of charging electric bikes ( prices according to internet presentations).